Crying out loud

Dear Readers

I’m not sure if you remember one of my post where I mention about a trip that I wanted to take. It was supposed to be now…

I’m crying out loud. I know I shouldn’t complain because people are dying. I cannot help it, though. It might sound silly among the wave of fear, but I just wanted to disappear for some time. The trip was supposed to be a stop where I end one chapter of my life and start another one. I wanted to treat it as a time when I hit a reset button and erase everything what’s unnecessary in my mind. Just pure walking.

After that I wanted to come back and start a new life, in a new home, doing a new job. I’m encaged instead. Waiting… counting… hoping…

Where all I have is a fantasy.

Stay safe ❤

21 thoughts on “Crying out loud

  1. I feel for you and understand. I was supposed to be on a trip right now to a hot destination where I could forget and just relax and unwind.
    I hope you can still go ahead with your plans after this is over. Sending love❤️

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  2. Please don’t permit the delay of a few more days undermine your reset goal. After all, your reset has been in motion for quite awhile and you are still the Mistress in Charge, right? Be well but more importantly, safe. In a selfish thought, I still expect to read your works most soon. 😉

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    1. Thank you for your words. I’ll probably find another way to do it. It’ll be just less pleasant… and then I’ll move forward.

      P.S. Don’t worry I still have a few poems in my drawer.


  3. Similarly I had planned two trips away with an old friend. One in March, one in May. It seems the whole of life may be experiencing a reset. I hope the new world will be better, not worse. Hard to tell at present; need to wait till the dust settles I suppose.

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  4. I know the feeling – as a pilot I built my life around travel – It’s something I love but haven’t been able to – even through my profession – any layover I have is confined to the hotel room as we have strict protocols in place to keep us from catching COVID. Getting away really does help to gain perspective and hit the reset button. At the same time I feel this is natures warning shot to say we all need a reset and a new start. When this blows over thats exactly what we should all seek to do. Thanks for sharing.

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